Tulsi gives health benefits along with happiness, peace and prosperity

Tulsi gives health benefits along with happiness, peace and prosperity
Original Tulsi Mala Store
Original Tulsi Mala Store

Tulsi gives Health Benefits along with Happiness, peace, and Prosperity

The name of this plant, - 'Tulsi' means one that is incomparable, suggesting that it is extremely useful.

Pujya Bapuji, the well-wisher of all beings on earth, has been telling the importance of Tulsi in His Satsang discourses for a number of decades now, thereby guiding mankind towards leading a healthy, happy, and respectable life by availing the wonderful benefits of Tulsi; and beholding the same Existence of God even in the trees, thus developing their divine feelings within. Additionally, under His auspices, even the celebration of Tulsi Worship Day' on 25th December has been initiated in India and many other countries since the year 2014.

Worshipping the Tulsi plant enhances one's powers of intellect, will, character, and health.
This also saves people from depression and suicidal tendencies apart from helping society to benefit from the occult science of the sages.
Religious importance

Glory of Tulsi in scriptures
Numerous tales of the glory of Tulsi are found in several Vrata-related legends, religious stories, and the Puranas. No worship of Lord Vishnu or Krishna is considered complete without offering Tulsi leaves.

According to the 'Padma Purana':

या दृष्टा निखिलाघसंघशमनी स्पृष्टा वपुष्पावनी
रोगाणामभिवन्दिता निरसनी सिक्तान्तकत्रासिनी । 
प्रत्यासत्तिविधायिनी भगवतः कृष्णस्य संरोपिता
यस्ता तच्चरणे विमुक्तिफलदा तस्यै तुलस्यै नमः ॥ 

"Salutation to that Tulsi which, when seen,
destroys the multitude of all sins; which, when touched, purifies the body; which, when saluted, removes diseases; which, when sprinkled, frightens Yama; which, when planted, bestows the vicinity of Lord Krishna; (and) when placed at his feet, gives the fruit (in the form) of salvation."

वैवर्तपुराण अग्निपुराण गरुडपुराण संक्षिप्त भविष्यपुराण महापुराण

Note: Buy original tulsi mala by visiting our website www.tulsimala.in or you can click the below links

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