Know the tip of choosing a original tulsi mala

When we started TULSIMALA.IN in 2009 there was only a couple of other people in Vrindavan making and exporting Original Tulsi Mala beads so choosing a Original Tulsi Mala was fairly easy. Nowadays there are a huge number of different designs for Original Tulsi Mala beads and their shape —even with our own company we have expanded from 5 malas to over 600+ mala designs! Because of all of these options we have put together this extensive guide of the 8 best methods and tips to help you choose the best Original Tulsi Mala for you.
There are many factors to consider on your journey to selecting the perfect Tulsi Japa Mala, Tulsi Kanthi Mala, Tulsi Locket Mala, Tulsi Bracelets, and Tulsi Earrings for you to use and wear.
We have numbered these tips for you to proceed through them to find your perfect original Original Tulsi Mala, but you certainly do not have to do all of these steps. We do highly recommend that at the very least you do the first and last tips. Being clear on your intention and following and trusting your intuition are the two most potent ways for choosing mala beads.
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Original Tulsi Mala intentions and goals
Original Tulsi Mala is made from Shyama Tulsi and Rama Tulsi which all carry specific subtle energies. These healing and energetic properties will affect your body and mind while wearing and using Original Tulsi Mala Beads, so it is important to align these energies with your intentions for your Japa meditation as well as your spiritual and life goals. Before starting to shop for a new Original Tulsi Mala take some time to reflect on what your intention is for using and wearing Original Tulsi Mala Beads. If you are not clear on what your larger spiritual and life goals are, then also take some contemplation time to make a list of these goals.
Once you are clear on your intentions and goals then you can choose mala beads based on the main categories of intentions below. You will notice that there are still lots of choices in each intention section so continue to refine your choice by using some or all of the proceeding steps.
Beauty and attraction to Tulsi Beads
Phycologists that have studied the effect of color and light on our emotional and mental states have found some common patterns but have also seen that colors affect each person differently. According to chakra therapy, our attraction and reaction to certain colors may be linked to our unique mental and emotional imbalances. Both color and chakra therapy believe that wearing and using specific colors in your environment can have healing properties. Therefore, you should consider the traditional energetic effects of the colors of beads in your Original Tulsi Mala when choosing a new one or wearing or using one in your collection.
Meaning of Original Tulsi Mala Bead Colors
As you shop for original Original Tulsi Mala beads pay close attention to what designs you feel attracted to and drawn towards. Reflect on what exactly is creating this attraction (color, shape, design, style, etc.) to hone in on what elements to focus on.
Natural Tulsi Mala beads
Its represent light, goodness, innocence, and purity. The natural color activates the 7th chakra: Sahasrara. The chromotherapy effects of the color natural are balance, harmony, perfection, consciousness, divination, cleanliness, and simplicity.
Black Tulsi Mala (Shyama Tulsi Beads)
Its represent power, elegance, formality, and mystery. The chromotherapy effects of the color black are protection, seriousness, death, mourning, mystery, transformation, and secrecy.
Chakra Original Tulsi Mala beads
The tradition of tantra yoga describes seven main subtle energy centers in the body located along the spine. Each chakra is associated with a set of organs and systems which correspond with the areas in our body where a lot of energy flows. When this energy becomes blocked or excessive it can present as physical, mental, and emotional issues.
1st Chakra (Muladhara)
This chakra tends to all the survival needs and one’s sense of security. The root chakra’s balanced qualities are expressed as groundedness, stability, mental and physical health, and prosperity. Imbalanced qualities of this chakra expressed as insecurity, unsettled feelings, and clinging tendencies. Choose one of our root chakra original Original Tulsi Malas to balance this chakra.
2nd Chakra (Svadhisthana)
This chakra deals with our needs and desires, both sexually and emotionally. The sacral chakra’s balanced qualities are expressed as sensuality, sexuality, contentment, and creativity. Imbalanced qualities of this chakra are expressed as sexual dysfunction, lack of sensation, and unstable emotions. Choose one of our sacral chakra original Original Tulsi Malas to balance this chakra.
3rd Chakra (Manipura)
This chakra deals with our personal power, self-esteem, willfulness, and energy. The solar plexus chakra’s balanced qualities are expressed as willpower, dynamic action, self-esteem, ambition, and confidence. Imbalanced qualities of this chakra are expressed as low self-esteem, lack of vision, and fatigue. Choose one of our solar plexus chakra original Original Tulsi Malas to balance this chakra.
4th Chakra (Anahata)
This chakra deals with our ability to be open and able to love ourselves and others. The heart chakra’s balanced qualities are expressed as love for oneself and others, kindness, compassion, open-heartedness. Imbalanced qualities of this chakra are expressed as depression, seclusion, isolation, and cynicism. Choose one of our heart chakra original Original Tulsi Malas to balance this chakra.
5th Chakra (Vishuddha)
This chakra is where the purification and harmonizing of all opposites takes place. The throat chakra’s balanced qualities are expressed as open communication, expression, and truth. Imbalanced qualities of this chakra expressed as isolation, dishonesty, and poor communication. Choose one of our throat chakra original Original Tulsi Malas to balance this chakra.
6th Chakra (Ajna)
This chakra controls all higher mental activities including intellectual, emotional, and mental intelligence, and insight. The third eye chakra’s balanced qualities are expressed as strong levels of intellect, intention, and intuition. Imbalanced qualities of this chakra are expressed as confusion, dishonesty, distraction, and lack of direction. Choose one of our third eye chakra original Original Tulsi Malas to balance this chakra.
7th Chakra (Sahasrara)
This chakra allows us to experience the unity of all things and to have the realization that everything is interwoven and connected. The crown chakra’s balanced qualities are expressed as connection with the divine, ability to perceive, analyze and assimilate information, open-mindedness, wisdom, and self-mastery. Imbalanced qualities of this chakra expressed as negativity, separation, duality, poor short-term memory, poor coordination, and hallucinations. Choose one of our crown chakra original Original Tulsi Malas to balance this chakra.
Note: Buy original tulsi mala by visiting our website or you can click the below links