Types of Tulsi Beads and Their Names

Types of Tulsi Beads and Their Names
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Did you know that there are four types of Tulsi?

It is also known as Holy Basil in English, and Tulasi in Sanskrit. The Tulsi can also be called Manjari Tulsi Tulshi Tulshi, Trittavu Tulsi, Krishna Tulsi and Tulshi.

Tulsi is just one of approximately 60 species in the genus Ocimum (basil genus). There are many varieties of Tulsi grown in India. They are found in India and the Himalayas, but they can also be found in the Middle East.

Tulsiis an annual herb that can grow up to three feet in temperate climates. The taproot grows as a branched root.

The stem is characteristic for Lamiaceae plants. It has a square- or quadrangular shape and is branched, green-to-red with fine pubescence. The leaves are simple, opposite, simple, ovate and petiolate.

These flowers are in a verticillaster Inflorescence and have a blue-purple color.

In ayurvedic texts, there are four types tulsi.

Rama (Green Leaf), Tulsi Sri or Lakshmi Tulasi Ocimum tenuiflorum Ocimum sacredum
Krishna (Purple Leaf), Tulsi, Shyama Tulsi
Vana (Wild Leaf). Tulsi
Kapoor Tulsi

All three types of Tulsi can be used in Ayurveda. However, Rama and Krishna are most commonly used.

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