How chanting affects the functions of your Brain?

How chanting affects the functions of your Brain?
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Original Tulsi Mala Store

Did you know that Vedic Chanting can actually change the way your brain functions?

Here are 5 ways in which Vedic chanting changes the way your brain works:
  1. Vedic chanting can deactivate our limbic system. Our limbic system is the part of our brain which is responsible for STRESS pathways. So, when this limbic system calms down and we become more peaceful, happier, and able to handle the situations that come in front of us.
  2. Chanting can activate our prefrontal cortex. The Prefrontal cortex is that part of the brain which is associated with higher functioning like cognition, learning, and reasoning. It is that part of the brain which makes us human.
  3. Chanting activates delta waves in your brain. Delta waves are found in deep sleep. These brain waves allow our brain to rest and rejuvenate. The practice of Vedic chanting allows you to experience delta waves even when you are awake.
  4. Chanting can activate the thalamus area of your brain which is involved in sensory perception. So, you become more aware of your surroundings. Your perception heightens.
  5. Chanting can activate your hippocampus area. The Hippocampus area of the brain is the part of the brain associated with memory. That is why a lot of time many people who chant regularly like pandits or saints their brains are very different from ours. Their hippocampus area is well developed and they have great memory retention power.

So, the practice of chanting can make you calmer, more peaceful, happier & give you great memory, and heightens your perception.

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